RESEARCH GRANTS (since 2001)
Coventry, K. R. (2024-2028). Spatial Communication and Ageing across Languages (SCALA). EPSRC (MSCA guarantee fund). £803, 767. Visit the SCALA website here.
Kray, C., Coventry, K. R. and PIs from other countries (2024-2028). Spatial Communication and Ageing across Languages (SCALA). EU MSCA DN. €3,280,082. Visit the SCALA website here.
Vulchanova, M., Coventry, K. R., and co-PIs from other European countries. (2019-2023). E-LADDA: Early language development in the digital age. Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019), €3,820,153.Visit the e-LADDA website here.
Penny, W., Coventry, K. R., Spencer, J., Hornberger, M., & Pomeroy, V. (2019). A new brain imaging centre to deliver healthier lives. Wolfson Foundation, £300,000.
Penny, W., Spencer, J., Hornberger, M., Coventry, K. R., & Pomeroy, V. (2018-2020). Multiuser equipment grant – Brain Imaging centre. Wellcome Trust, £1,000,000.
Coventry, K. R., and co-PIs from other European countries (2016-2020). Deictic Communication – A Multidisciplinary Training (DCOMM). Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015), €3,460,823. View the DCOMM website here.
Jack, C., Sultan, B., Kniveton, D., Fox, G., Taylor, C., Visman, E., Lorenzoni, I., Harold, J., Coventry, K. R. & Soukeyna, I. (2017-2018). Improving methods of communicating climate uncertainties. Future Climate for Africa Funding, £92,212.
Vulchanova, M., Coventry, K. R., and co-PIs from other European countries (2012-2016). LanPercept. Marie Curie Initial Training Network (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN), €4,120,000.
Vulchanova, M., Coventry, K. R., and co-PIs from other Nordic countries and other European countries (2011-2013). Language and Perception Research Network. Nördforsk infrastructure research network grant, 900,000NKR.
Coventry, K. R., & Hamilton, C. (2010-2012). Language within your reach? Investigating the mapping between spatial and non-spatial demonstratives and the vision and action systems. Economic and Social Research Council responsive mode grant, £154,659.
Vulchanova, M., Coventry, K. R., and co-PIs from other Nordic countries (2007-2010). Spatial categorization and language across populations. Nördforsk infrastructure grant, 1,000,000NKR.
Coventry, K. R. (2007-2008). Spatial prepositions and geographical space. Funded by Ordnance Survey, £12,000.
Coventry, K. R. (2006-2010). Spatial Language and Dialogue. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Advanced Fellowship, €50,000.
Coventry, K. R. (2007). Eye movements and gesture during spatial language comprehension. Leverhulme Trust international postdoctoral fellowship scheme, £20,000.
Coventry, K. R., & Guijarro-Fuentes, P. (2005-2007). The acquisition of spatial prepositions in a second language: The case of Spanish and English. Arts and Humanities Research Council responsive mode grant, £104,514.
Coventry, K. R. (2005-2006). Workshop on Spatial Language and Dialogue. Engineering and Physical Sciences Workshop Grant, £4,761, matched by £4,761 from Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg.
Coventry, K. R., Cangelosi, A., & Newstead. S. (2003-2005). Computational modelling of quantifiers: The relative influence of scalar and contextual variables. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council responsive mode grant, £141,752.
Coventry, K. R., & Cangelosi, A. (2001-2003). Development of a psychologically-plausible computational model for spatial language use and comprehension. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council responsive mode grant, £152,606.