Gambling and Decision Making Publications


Farr, Z., Broomfield, N. M., & Coventry, K. R. (2024). A systematic review of attentional bias in problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 40, 493-519.

Keshavarz, S., Coventry, K. R., & Fleming, P. (2020). Relative deprivation and hope: Predictors of risk behaviour. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Coventry, K. R. (2008). Gambling and decision making: A dual process perspective. (Commentary on Redish, Jensen & Johnson). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, 444-445.

Evans, J. St. B. T. & Coventry, K. R. (2006). A dual process approach to behavioural addiction: The case of gambling.  In R. W. Wiers & A. Stacy (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Processes in Addictive Behaviors: Developments in Memory, Cognition, Emotion, and Social Cognition Research. Sage.

Gee, P., Coventry, K. R. & Birkenhead, D. (2005). Mood state and gambling: An on-line investigation using mobile phone technology. British Journal of Psychology, 96(1), 53-66. PDF

Coventry, K. R. (2002). Rationality and decision making: The case of gambling and the development of gambling addiction. In J. J. Marotta, J. A. Cornelius and W. R. Eadington (Eds.), The Downside. Problem and Pathological Gambling, pp 43-68. University of Nevada: Reno.

Coventry, K. R. (2001). Mood state, arousal, decision making and persistence at gaming. Addiction, 96, 1860-1861.

Coventry, K. R. & Hudson, J. (2001). Gender differences, physiological arousal and the role of winning in fruit machine gamblers. Addiction, 96, 871-879. PDF

Done, C. & Coventry, K. R. (2000). Transfer of the illusion of control between two gambling tasks. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2, 37-47.

Coventry, K. R. & Constable, B.(1999). Physiological arousal and sensation seeking in female fruit machine gamblers. Addiction, 94(3), 425-430. PDF

Coventry, K. R. & Norman, A. C. (1998). Arousal, erroneous verbalisations, and the illusion of control during a computer-generated gambling task. British Journal of Psychology, 89, 629-645. PDF

Coventry, K. R. & Norman, A. C. (1997). Arousal, sensation seeking and frequency of gambling in off-course horse racing bettors. British Journal of Psychology, 88, 671-681. PDF

Coventry, K. R. & Brown, R. I. F. (1993). Sensation Seeking, gambling and gambling addictions. Addiction, 88(4), 541-554. PDF

Coventry, K. R. & Brown, R. I. F. (1993). Sensation seeking in gamblers and non-gamblers and its relation to preference for gambling activities, chasing, arousal and loss of control in regular gamblers. In W. R. Eadington and J. A. Cornelius (Eds.), Gambling Behavior and Problem Gambling, pp25-49. Institute for the Study of Gambling, University of Nevada Press.

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